Sunday, January 30, 2011


We are often asked: "What's in YOUR Wallet?" a well-known commercial quips.
As I write this inquiry, I wonder...Do you think I'm being to personal to ask you to THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU REALLY HAVE IN YOUR PANTRY. I'm not just asking to be curious, but to bring to your mind the thought that what you have may not be all that you will need to get you through a rough financial drought or a mini disaster or a major crisis. THINK ABOUT THIS... If you thought for a moment about the foods your family likes to eat on a regular basis and then purchased larger quantities of these food when they come up for sale, you would have begun a life-changing, life-promoting shift in your home. You would not have to worry if you have food to feed your family on hand. If your husband or you were laid off or short on money for the month or even months YOU WOULD BE PREPARED TO CONTINUE TO SUPPLY YOUR FAMILY WITH SUSTAINANCE TO FUEL THEIR LIVES AND BE AT PEACE.

Brainstorming Method
Sit down and brainstorm with yourself on the breakfasts, lunches and dinners, snacks and desserts your family wouldn't mind having a couple of times each month or more... Then as you make a list of these meals ie: Oatmeal, raisins, apple pieces, brown sugar, juice, egg and toast with jelly. You can actually calculate very simply how much OATMEAL you need to keep on hand (in your pantry or other convenient storage area) for 2 servings of oatmeal a week { X's times} 4 weeks { X's times} 3 months or 6 months and have this ready to eat, use/rotate and replenish.
Do the same for the raisins & apples, 1/2 gallons of juice, brown sugar, eggs (powdered are great! Omelets, Scrambled) wheat made into bread for toast, jelly or jams.

THINK about it. IT's that Simple, it becomes a way of just do it automatically once you have done this basic thought process. The sales jump out at you, you pick up the things you need and it just happens. honest. It's even fun. Promise.

Watch For Our Review of TIME 4 LEARNING...

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning is an online educational program that can be used in many ways including as a homeschooling curriculum or afterschool tutorial. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning. - Online interactive curriculum for home use, PreK-8th Grade. - Online writing tutorials for high, middle, and elementary school students. - A forum to chat with parents online about kids, education, parenting and more...