Thursday, January 12, 2012


It is one of our missions to educate and enlighten those who may happen upon our site.
We try to bring a variety of preparedness, food storage, gardening, self sufficiency, budgeting, Georgics (back to basics), great links to other wonderful helpful and educational sites, recipes, nutritional and health information.

Well I'm excited to announce we will be adding a great nutrition and health benefits section very soon.

Check back soon and learn about the health benefits of nearly every Fruit & Vegetable.
Learn what A Negative Calorie Food is.
Learn what to eat for what is ailing you.
We'll even be including the calorie count for most of these foods.

To have a holistic encompassing view of what our families need nutritionally when we speak of food storage, we feel it wise to look at the best ways to feed not only our families tummies but also their cells, bodies and minds, And let's not forget their Spirit's as well.

See you all soon, My goal is to have the nutrition section in by Feb.1st,2012 ! Until Then...Let's Get to the Business of PREPARING OURSELVES - Is YOUR House in Order?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 or Should I Say Twenty-Dozen???

Well Friends this has been a year of plenty...plenty of changes for most of us. Good for us that we have made it through and can in faith look forward to what this new year will bring. BRING IT !

I heard someone refer to 2012 as Twenty-Dozen and it made me giggle and think of what else? FOOD STORAGE of course ! I truly have seen preparedness become easy and fun when we chose to do the little amount of initial work to figure out what our families really do eat each and every day and then buy a little more each time we see it for a good/great deal, WE BUY A LITTLE MORE. Sounds too simple, said the Leper. (Bathe in the Water). Buy a little more each time when it is a good price, save money, time effort and perhaps even the life of your loved ones.

We can spend our lives on Facebook or Twitter and write away about a Star who is not looking their best, but can't spend a moment to better prepare our homes and families from an unseen danger? I don't believe that. I have more confidence in us all. WE CAN DO IT ! Pray, Desire, Determine, Commit.

May we begin our journeys to personal preparedness with a single step in a positive direction with a prayer on our lips and determination in our hearts. With Baby-Steps or Long Strides WE WILL GET THERE...FASTER THAN YOU MIGHT THINK. Promise.